Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everyone! Make sure you go out today to really enjoy the wonders our Earth has given us.

Have you pledged an act of green yet? Check out or click on the image below.

I'll post some updates in the future with tips on how to make your life more green and Earth-friendly, but for now I'm going to go out and enjoy the sunshine with Pippa!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Eat well, live well

We are constantly told what we should and should not eat, but we always manage to make excuses for ourselves. Produce and fresh meat is always too expensive or too time consuming to prepare. It is far easier to pick up a few protein bars and frozen pizzas and call it a day. Creating a dish from scratch using the produce that is almost always in abundance around us takes effort that more and more of us are less willing to put forth. Home cooking is a dying art, especially in the United States. We resort to cheap and fast alternatives with lesser nutritional value. Why our industrialized society chooses to skimp on the foods we put into our bodies is beyond me.
home cooking is an outlet for creativity. jalapeno waffle, anyone?
Gas prices are always a topic of discussion and no matter what price it’s at, it is always too much and we always complain. Very rarely do these prices become extreme enough for us to take action and fight our own battles. If we were to walk more, carpool more, and just drive less we would inevitably save money on gas. By continuously walking, our health is improved. Through carpooling we are able to make deeper connections with the people who surround us by giving them our undivided attention in a face to face setting. The money we save on using less gas can be better put to use by spending it on quality produce that will energize our bodies instead of fight it. It is a win-win-win situation.
Naysayers and those in denial of our first world ways will always come up with excuses as to why they can’t fulfill these duties. Many will say that they are unable to find someone with a similar schedule or route to carpool with. Others will say that they do not have the time to devote to walking as opposed to driving. Because why? You are busy sitting? Sitting on your commute to work, sitting at work, sitting at meals, sitting to decompress in front of a screen with flashing images meant to entertain, but often ends up numbing. Anything is possible if you have a desire to get it done. Inside you is unlimited potential begging to get out if only you were to stop making excuses.
make walking a family event
who knows where it will take you
Imagine the good that could be done in the world if everyone was to work towards a cause that he or she has a passion for. Unfortunately in this world, many people are under the impression that as an individual she is unable to change the world. But if you study history it is often one person who creates a spark to start a wildfire of change. These people soon become leaders who find those who share their passions and establish those deeper relationships so many of us today now miss…
To be continued…

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It has started.

          I don’t know where to begin. I’ve recently realized how much ethical dissonance there is living in a 1st world country. For a long time I have accepted things for the way they are because things have just always been. I have let myself be blindly shaped by society and I know I’m not alone. I know that most people in my generation accept everything presented to them without questioning. For this, I am greatly embarrassed by myself and my peers. But I am beginning to understand how repulsive many first world countries can be.
          In the consumer society I have been brought up in, it is not enough to be thankful for our health and our relationships. Instead we look for insignificant, yet tangible items to fill voids in our lives and occupy our time. It is because of this desire to need more that our health and relationships are diminishing. These days many people succumb to buying processed and premade foods because these options are often cheaper and far more convenient. Many also experience relationships with the people around them that barely skim the surface of what a true connection with another human should be. This is largely brought about through the use of social media. On both accounts, I have found myself guilty. I tell myself I do not have enough disposable income to warrant buying fresh produce every week. I have deceived myself into thinking I have a plethora of friends when the reality is that I connect with very few.

a must-read
Our first world society is stripping us from the very thing we should be-- human. It tricks us into thinking we are progressing when many of us have a simple life. We are quickly losing our individualities and are content with mirroring one another. Our goals are shallow and our morals are weak. We have lost the sense of togetherness, but always search for belonging. We are on a quick decline to science fiction novels where we are all willingly controlled by our society as in Orwell's 1984. We are a lazy culture that will do nothing for itself as long as a certain level of comfort is achieved. We look for handouts and give nothing back to our world. We are blinded by media and suffocated by an ever present “ideal” of how one should be.
When I first wanted to start this blog, I imagined an entirely different creature than what you have seen here. I was still just a sheep wanting to fit in the sea of blogs. I am obsessed with food and DIY, but came to realize this is not what the internet needs more of right now. As a 19 year old suburban product, I feel there are very few alive and relatable role models to teach people my age how to think for yourself and incite change. Those people who have a message to share are often washed over by shallow celebrities who are glorified for no profound reason.
I do not claim myself to be an authority or better than anyone who may be reading this. I am very much flawed as the rest of you and constantly make mistakes. The difference, I feel, between myself and many of those my age is that I accept and embrace that I have an unwavering desire to learn. I refuse to accept things for how they are and I constantly ask questions. I refuse to be embarrassed for who I am and refuse to continue to fall into the traps of a consumer society. My focus now is how to change the world around me. My continual quest for the truth has started.

the path for the truth